Digital Storyteller | Scientist | Creative Mind

I seek encounters between disciplines.
I'm a storyteller .
This is me
I am working at the intersection of SCIENCE, ART and TECHNOLOGY.
I've always had so many ideas about what I want to be, what things I want to learn. Studying sport science at the Technical University in Munich was the first time I had the opportunity to get an insight into all kinds of disciplines - medicine, psychology, sociology, material science, computer science, philosophy.... And I loved it.
The PhD in Science and Technology Studies was the next logical step - an opportunity to approach my research interests from different perspectives. What I gained in this process was a keen interest in digital media, in science communication and creative formats of teaching. As deputy head of the digitisation department at the Deutsches Museum, as speaker and as facilitator of storytelling workshops, I now have the opportunity to put my research interests into practice.
It took me a long time not only to accept but to love my zigzagging CV. Because that's what makes me strong: I'm good at listening, at connecting people, at learning and creating new things. The unifying element for me is curiosity and storytelling as a form of communication and education.
Teaching Science Communication
Project-Management Creative Initatives Humanities Connecting people
SciArt Digital Storytelling
My research approach is guided by a social science perspective with a strong empirical focus on technology, society and communication. Through my studies, I got to know different quantitative research methods in the natural sciences and then adopted a social science, qualitative perspective with my doctoral studies in the Science and Technology Studies. In my dissertation, I applied a mixed-methods approach to investigate the impact of YouTube's platform politics on expertise concepts in science communication. Now I am using a multi-perspective approach in my research on innovative communicationg technologies at the Deutsches Museum.
Digital science communication (opportunities & risks)
Interactions between society & digital platforms (e.g. social media)
Digital museum & education offerings (e.g. XR - VR/AR)
Digital Storytelling & the interplay between art, science and technology (e.g. Research Creation)
Participatory research & Co-Creation (e.g. Citizen Science)
Change management in cultural institutions (e.g. organisational structures & ways of working)
Mit Storytelling in 5 Schritten zu mehr Agilität in der Kultur (2022)
Geipel, A. | In: Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft (Hrsg.): Handreichung zu mehr Agilität in der Kultur
VR/AR – Digitale Räume im Museum (2021)
Geipel, A. & Hohmann, G. | In: Mohr, H.; Modarressi-Tehrani, D. (Hrsg.)
Museen der Zukunft - Trends und Herausforderungen eines
innovationsorientierten Kulturmanagements | Transcript
„Don’t Act Like a Teacher” – How Science YouTubers become Experts (2021)
Geipel, A. | Technische Universität München (open access)
Transparenz schaffen und Austausch fördern – Ein MediaLab am Deutschen Museum (2021)
Geipel, A. & Sauter, J. | In: Steinau, C.; Kockerd, C. & Vocht, J. (Ed.): Staging the Lab. Schriftenreihe des Cultural Policy Labs 1.
Das digitale Objekt – Zwischen Depot und Internet (+ AR-App) (2020)
Geipel, A.; Sauter, J. & Hohmann, G. (Hrsg.). Deutsches Museum Verlag.
In my courses, I focus on enabling participants to acquire knowledge independently, to critically question it and to apply it to their own projects.
For me, a modern and reflective teaching concept - especially around the topic of digital communication - includes the integration of socially relevant topics such as gender, diversity and sustainability. To do so, I apply teaching methods that are as practical as possible, that foster the exchange with social representatives as well as the promotion of critical reading.
From a research perspective, the teaching of scientific methodological skills as well as a multidisciplinary and project-oriented approach are the cornerstones of my teaching.
Digital Science Communication - Practice & Theory
Digital Storytelling
Project and Time Management
Professional networking for students
Munich Center for Technology in Society (Technische Universität München)
Graduate School (Technische Universität München)
House of Competence (KIT)

During my Master's degree at the Technical University of Munich, I worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Sport Psychology, where I was responsible for the EEG (electroencephalography) lab and taught psychoregulation, relaxation techniques and project management. During my PhD, I was a research assistant in the digital|media|lab at the Munich Center for Technology in Society at the Technical University of Munich, where I focused on research and teaching of digital science communication.
Since 2018, I am working in the digitisation department at the Deutsches Museum as a project coordinator for the area of 3D digitisation and visualisation in the joint project museum4punkt0. 2022, I became deputy head of the digitisation department coordinationg several projects focussing on digital storytelling and digital museum offers. From 2018 till 2023 I was head of the VRlab / Proxy, a venue to present, evaluate and co-produce virtual and augmented reality content for museums. I am centrally involved with the topics of digital storytelling, digital museum offers and the connection of scientific and technical content with digital art. Since 2021, I am a freelancer alongside my job at the Deutsches Museum, developing and facilitating (online) workshops and giving lectures in science communication, digital storytelling and changemangement in culture. I also work as a consultant and mentor for multidisciplinary projects, digital concepts for culture and museums.

I connect people from different disciplines to start new creative projects
I love to realise projects with more than one perspective. Especially when it comes to communicating scientific topics, I find it exciting to involve not only the scientists, but also artists, practitioners and others. For me, a topic only becomes exciting and understandable in its entirety when you have looked at it from all angles - with each new perspective you learn something new.